SNAP/EBT Card Holders Shop at Snohomish County Farmers Markets

Snohomish Region Farmers Market Coalition represents independent farmers markets in Snohomish County who have joined together to fight food insecurity and formed a non-profit Food From Farms, to increase the purchasing power for SNAP shoppers wanting to buy fresh, local produce.

“Nine” Farmers Markets in the Snohomish County Region will offering the opportunity for SNAP-EBT Card holders to be able to purchase healthy local food with their cards, during the 2016 Farmers Market Season.

Here is the link to the websites showing Farmers Markets participating information

The Snohomish Regional Farmers Market Coalition has rack cards but our budget is slim and we were hoping possibly that if the Snohomish County School Districts have digital newsletters, these cards can be distributed in a digital manner.

Snohomish Region Farmers Market Coalition, independent “farmers markets” are members of the Washington State Farmers Market Association Food Access Program.

Here is the 2016 SRFMC Rack Card in English and Spanish

SNAP Shoppers and Farmers Markets pdf 692016